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Who Are We?

Lorne Monkman gained extensive experience in the Refractory industry when he began working for AP Green Refractories in 1971. In 1987, Lorne founded MZ Contracting which specializes in the installation and repair of refractory linings. As a result of his experience in the refractory industry, Lorne found a need for refractory product supply in Central and Western Canada, hence Continental Refractories was established in 2003.

Continental Refractories has an active and knowlegeable sales and management force with over fifty-five years of combined service in the Industry, thus providing our customers with exceptional information and service. We also have available to us, the complete Technical Services and research facilities of our various suppliers which enables us to offer vast product selection and installation methods for all types of Industries.

Our reputation is very strong in all phases of the refractory industry. Our emphasis is on customer satisfaction and we are known to provide prompt and courteous service.


P.O. Box 308 - 715 Greenwood Avenue - Selkirk, Manitoba  R1A 2B3
Telephone: 204-785-2421 Toll Free: 866-666-2421 Fax: 204-785-2517